RSVPs for the wānanga are now closed
When: Paraire 3rd ki te Rātapu 5th o Noema
(Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th November 2023)
Where: Umupuia Marae, Maraetai
163 Maraetai Coast Road, Clevedon 2582
E te rau o Tai!
Rarau mai rā, whakatata mai rā ki tō tātou wānanga tuaono o Te Reo me ngā Tikanga, ka tū ki tō tātou marae o Umupuia.
He wānanga haumaru tēnei mō ngā uri whakaheke o Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, ki te ako i Te Reo me ngā Tikanga o tō iwi, ki runga i tō marae, ka mutu, ki te taha o ōu karanga whanaunga.
Greetings to the multitudes of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki!
Come and gather for our sixth Reo and Tikanga wānanga, to be held at Umupuia marae.
This wānanga is a safe space for all the descendants of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki to learn your Reo and Tikanga of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, on your marae of Umupuia, and alongside your relatives.
These are some of the key kaupapa we expect to cover at our Wānanga:
This is an event for Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki uri and their whānau. If you aren't already registered with us, please make sure you get registered to stay in the loop about upcoming wānanga and other events. Click here for more information about registering:
Nō reira, e te rau o Tai, nau mai a Manawa nui, a Manawa piharau, kia manawa reka tō tātou wānanga. E hīkaka katoa ana mātou ki te kite atu i a koutou katoa.
E Tai, e Tai!
Nau mai, haere mai!
Hi, ha, hi!
PS: Below are the dates we're looking at for more wānanga. Pencil the dates into your calendars and we'll provide more details as we get closer to them.