Registering with Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki allows us to keep you informed to make sure you have the latest information available.
If you descend from our Ngāi Tai ancestor Te Whatatau (Te Whataatao) or a recognised ancestor from Ngāti Te Raukohekohe, Ngāti Kōhua, Ngāti Rangitawhia including the following groups Ngāti Taimanawaiti,
Ngāti Taihaua and Te Uri o Te Ao, then please register.
Please be assured your information will never be disclosed or used in any way without your consent, and can be removed from our system if you feel the need to do so. It is your information!
If you have questions that need answering before you register,
please see our FAQ below.
Your information will be kept secure and private.
Please download and print the form using the link above, or alternatively enter your details below and we will send the registration form to you.
Once completed, please send your registration form to:
Tribal Register Officer
PO Box 141
Or email to
We will process your registration as soon as possible.
Update Your Details
If you are already registered with us and need to update the details we hold for you, you can do so by downloading and filling in the form at the link below.
If you have any questions about registering with Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, you can ask them by filling in the form below or sending an email to
If you descend from our Ngāi Tai ancestor Te Whatatau (Te Whataatao) or a recognised ancestor from Ngāti Te Raukohekohe, Ngāti Kōhua, Ngāti Rangitawhia including the following groups Ngāti Taimanawaiti, Ngāti Taihaua and Te Uri o Te Ao then you are eligible.
Once registered and validated, you will then be able to participate in voting matters, keep up to date with events and benefit from our settlement. All Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki who fit the above criteria have this right.
Usually through whanau links. The best way, if you are unsure, is to ask around your whanau or a kaumatua and find out a little more about your family history.
People who whakapapa to Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki should be registered regardless of age. If you are over 18 then you will need to fill in your own form. Anyone under 18 will need to be on their parents form. There is a special section for children under 18 on the registration form.
Yes, in fact a most of us identify with atleast 2 tribes and are already registered with other organisations.
Please contact the Tribal Register Officer at
No. Although we have very strong links this website and our beneficiary roll are maintained and administered by Ngāi Tai of Tāmaki through the Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Trust.
You must show that you whakapapa to the Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki eligibility criteria set out above. If you do then you should register with us also. Being registered on one roll does not mean you are automatically on the other roll.
All applications need to be endorsed by the board. This means that the board will use the details of your whakapapa to validate your registration. Therefore it is very important that you fill out your whakapapa to the best of your ability. Once validated you will receive a confirmation email outlining the details of your registration. All information held by the board is strictly confidential and used only for matters relating to your registration.
Voting on iwi issues is up to you. You must be 18 years or over and you must have a validated registration.
Email us at, or use the contact form above.
You can download and print one of our registration forms, fill it in and return it to the address provided below. If you have children over 18 then please download one for each of them to also fill in. If they are under 18 then they can go on your form. Once completed please send your registration form to:
Tribal Register Officer
PO Box 141
You can also phone our office on +64 9 292 8484 or fill in the contact form at the top of this page to request a registration form is sent to you in the mail.