Tēnā koutou e ngā uri o Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki
It is with great regret we are cancelling Te Rau o Tai Wānanga 9.
Due to the impact this week of tangihanga for our Umupuia whānau, and illness, we are no longer able to facilitate the wānanga delivery. We don’t take these decisions lightly, and hope you understand.
We have a full schedule mapped for next year and look forward to bringing you all home in 2025.
Ngā mihi o te Raumati
E te rau o Tai,
Taipari whakarewa ki tā tātou wānanga tuaiwa!
Please join us for our ninth Reo and Tikanga wānanga, our last wānanga for the year.
Our wānanga is a safe space for all iwi members of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki to learn and develop your Reo and Tikanga on your marae alongside your whānau.
Key kaupapa we plan to cover at our wānanga:
NB: the haerenga requires a basic level of fitness as we will be walking for a couple of hours across rough and uneven ground, more information about the walk can be found on DOC's website: https://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/places-to-go/auckland/places/rangitoto-island/tracks/rangitoto-island-track/
If you think the haerenga may present an issue for you, please make a note to us in your RSVP. Alternative activities will be arranged for those who aren't making the walk to the summit.
A detailed programme will be sent out closer to the wānanga.
E hīkaka katoa ana ki te kite i a koutou - We are excited to see you all.
Nō reira, hei reira e te iwi!