Rukuhia ngā tai whakarunga
Rukuhia ngā tai whakararo
Tukuna mai he ranga ika ki taku matau
Hei whāinga i te rau o iwi
Calling all descendants of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki!
We are excited to announce our first Reo & Tikanga Wānanga for 2025. As people of the ‘tai’ (sea), this wānanga will be centred on hī ika me āna tikanga (fishing and the different methods).
Please note: one of the activities available during this wānanga includes heading out on a fishing boat. Spaces on the boat are limited and will be allocated on a first-in, first-served basis. You can indicate your interest in joining the boat in the RSVP form, so make sure you fill that in quick if you are interested in this activity. There will be alternative fishing activities back at the marae for those who don’t go out on the boat.
As always, this wānanga will be a safe space for all iwi members of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki to learn and develop their Reo and Tikanga on their marae with their whānau.
Join us on Saturday 22nd – Sunday 23rd March 2025. Spaces are limited, so be sure to RSVP below to secure your spot!
A detailed programme will be sent out closer to the wānanga.
Nau mai e tai, kia eke Tangaroa!