

Tapuwae o Nuku, Tapuwae Ariki, Tapuwae o Tai

Mā te tuhi rapa a Manawatere ka kitea


Ngā pōtiki toa a Taikehu, ngā tamariki toa a Taikehu


Ngā waka a Taikehu, me he kāhui kataha kapi tai


Kia mahara ki te hē o Kaweau


Tuhuratia ō mātou motu tapu


Te ariari ngao


He painga anamata

We of the sacred footprints in the earth, footprints of the high born, footprints in the foreshores

Through the ochre marks of Manawatere you will see 

The brave young children of Taikehu


The canoes of Taikehu, like the shoals of herring filling the sea

Remember the wrong of Kaweau

Discover our sacred islands

Carving pathways

Building a secure future

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